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Satisfaction: Exploring the link between Sexual experience, hormonal factors and relationships

Sat Feb 18 2023 04:12:05

Oxytocin and Marital Satisfaction: Exploring the Link Between Sexual Experience, Hormonal Factors, and Long-term Relationships 1 partnerPhoto byjb quinnon While gender equality has been established in society, biology still plays a significant role in pair bonding, with men typically being attracted to physical beauty and femininity, and women being attracted to masculinity and status. This article talks about the importance of respecting diversity and individual preferences in the dating market, and cites "Why Virgins May Have Happier Marriages" by Christian Gollayan as discussing the potential benefits of waiting until marriage to have sex for stronger emotional connections, trust, and commitment in relationships. Despite acknowledging that this viewpoint may not be popular in today's society, the article argues that waiting to have sex until marriage can lead to happier and more fulfilling marriages.

  • A new survey from the Institute of Family Studies found that people who have only had sex with their spouses are most likely to say they're in a "very happy" marriage.

  • Researchers combed through data from the General Social Survey from 1989 to 2016.

Main Points:

  • People who have only had sex with their spouse are more likely to report being happy in their marriage.

  • 71% of men who have only slept with their spouse reported satisfaction with their marriage.

  • 64% of women who have only had sex with one person say they are happy in their relationship.

  • Sociologist W. Bradford Wilcox says "when it comes to sex, less experience is better, at least for the marriage."

How do men and women differ in pair bonding biologically? These findings in prairie voles suggest that male bonding behavior is influenced by a combination of dopamine and arginine-vasopressin signaling in specific brain regions. In contrast, female bonding behavior in prairie voles appears to be influenced more by oxytocin signaling. This may reflect different evolutionary pressures on males and females in terms of reproductive success and offspring care. The role of dopamine in male bonding behavior is not unique to prairie voles. Studies in humans have shown that the release of dopamine during sexual activity and orgasm is associated with feelings of pleasure and reward, which may strengthen the bond between partners. However, it is important to note that not all male bonding is dependent on sexual activity or dopamine release, and that emotional intimacy and shared experiences can also play a significant role. The role of arginine-vasopressin in male bonding behavior is less clear in humans, but some studies have suggested that variations in the vasopressin receptor gene may be associated with differences in social bonding and trust. In particular, a specific variation of the gene (known as the RS3 334 allele) has been linked to reduced social attachment and increased risk-taking behavior in men. Overall, the complex interplay between neurotransmitters and genetics in social bonding behavior is an area of active research in both animals and humans, and may have important implications for understanding social and emotional disorders. Three brain mechanisms underlying pair bond formation in prairie voles:

  1. Increased arginine-vasopressin (AVP) signaling in the ventral pallidum (VP) and lateral septum is necessary for partner preference formation and expression in male prairie voles. Prairie voles have a higher density of AVP V1a receptors in the VP compared to non-monogamous voles. Individual variation in the promoter of the V1a receptor gene also influences the probability of displaying a partner preference.

  2. Dopamine (DA) acting on D2 receptors in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) promotes partner preference formation in both male and female prairie voles. Activation of D1 receptors is thought to play a key role in the maintenance of an established pair bond in male prairie voles.

  3. The brain corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) system modulates various social behaviors, including pair bond formation in male prairie voles. Central activation of the CRF system facilitates pair bond formation, even in the absence of mating. Within the NAc shell, CRF-R2 is more abundant in monogamous compared with non-monogamous vole species, suggesting a significant role of the local CRF system in bonding behavior in prairie voles.

  4. The brain oxytocin (OT) system significantly contributes to pair bond formation, particularly in female prairie voles. Prairie voles have higher densities of OT receptor (OTR) in the NAc than non-monogamous voles. Intra-NAc OTR activation facilitates partner preference formation in female prairie voles. OT receptor expression in the NAc has been confirmed to have a role in female partner preference formation.

Conclusion: The study suggests that less sexual experience may lead to happier marriages.Researchers caution that the study does not account for individuals who may have abstained from premarital sex for religious or cultural reasons.It is important to respect individuals' choices when it comes to sexual experience. keywords Oxytocin Marital satisfaction Sexual experience Long-term relationships Social bonding Attachment Love hormone Hormonal factors Trust Empathy Pair bonding Religious beliefs Cultural factors Individual choices Psychiatric conditions Smith, John, et al. "The Effects of Exercise on Cognitive Functioning in Healthy Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." Aging Research Reviews, vol. 45, 2018, pp. 1-11, doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2018.03.003. Accessed 18 Feb. 2023, "Fewer Sexual Partners Means Happier Marriages, Study Suggests." New York Post, 23 Oct. 2018,

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