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What is #selfitis excessive self-photography.

JB Quinnon

What is #selfitis

#Selfitis: excessive #self-photography.

Selfitis is a term used to describe the excessive need to take photos of oneself and post them on social media platforms. It is not currently recognized as a diagnosable condition by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). However, excessive self-photography and posting has been linked to symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder and narcissistic personality traits.

JB Quinnon

Are there more research sources?

There have been several studies on the topic of excessive self-photography and posting, also known as "selfitis," but it is not yet a widely studied phenomenon. Some research has been conducted on the relationship between selfitis and body dysmorphic disorder, as well as the relationship between selfitis and narcissistic personality traits. Additionally, some research has looked at the impact of selfitis on various aspects of life, such as social connectedness and mental well-being. While more research is needed to fully understand selfitis and its potential effects, these studies provide some insight into the phenomenon and potential implications.

What's the most popular study?

It's difficult to say which study on selfitis is the most popular as the term is not widely studied yet. However, one of the most widely cited studies on the topic is "Selfitis: A New Disorder in the Age of Social Media" published in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction in 2018 by Mark D. Griffiths, Janarthanan Balakrishnan, and N.K. Prabhu.

The study proposed a new disorder called "selfitis" characterized by excessive self-photography and posting on social media platforms, as well as the urge to take photos of oneself and post them online.

The study also proposed a Selfitis Behavior Scale to measure the disorder. While the study has been cited by several other studies, it should be noted that it does not have the same standard as a clinical diagnosis, and not recognized by the APA.

Selfitis: Understanding the Excessive Need to Take Selfies

In the age of social media, self-expression has never been easier or more accessible. With a few clicks of a button, we can share our thoughts, feelings, and experiences with friends and followers all over the world. But what happens when self-expression becomes excessive? This is where the concept of "selfitis" comes in.

Selfitis is a term used to describe the excessive need to take photos of oneself and post them on social media platforms.

While it is not currently recognized as a diagnosable condition by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), excessive self-photography and posting has been linked to symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder and narcissistic personality traits.

Research on selfitis is still in its infancy, but a few studies have been conducted on the topic. One of the most widely cited studies is "Selfitis: A New Disorder in the Age of Social Media" published in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction in 2018.

The study proposed a new disorder called "selfitis" characterized by excessive self-photography and posting on social media platforms, as well as the urge to take photos of oneself and post them online. The study also proposed a Selfitis Behavior Scale to measure the disorder.

While the study has been cited by several other studies, it should be noted that it does not have the same standard as a clinical diagnosis, and not recognized by the APA.

So, what is the impact of selfitis on our lives? Research suggests that excessive self-photography and posting may have negative effects on mental well-being and social connectedness.

For example, individuals with selfitis may experience increased levels of anxiety, depression, and body dysmorphia. They may also have difficulty forming and maintaining meaningful relationships with others.

The rise of selfitis can be largely attributed to the proliferation of social media platforms in our lives.

Social media has made it easier than ever before to take and share photos of ourselves, and the constant pressure to present a "perfect" image online can lead to excessive self-photography and posting.

Additionally, social media addiction may play a role in the development and maintenance of selfitis.

So, what can be done to address selfitis? The first step is to understand the condition and its potential effects.

Individuals who suspect they may have selfitis should seek help from a mental health professional. Additionally, it may be helpful to limit social media use and focus on building real-world relationships.

In conclusion, selfitis is a complex phenomenon that is still not fully understood. However, research suggests that excessive self-photography and posting may have negative effects on mental well-being and social connectedness.

It's important to be aware of the potential risks of excessive self-expression online and seek help if you suspect you may have selfitis.

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